Ebola: News archive

You are here: Ebola: News archive | Also see: 2014 Outbreak Home


Please take note: this news archive was last updated on 21 October 2014, and is no longer actively maintained. We refer to the many news sites, news (RSS) feeds and twitter accounts mentioned on this site for latest updates, analysis and opinions. You may find more in the hand picked news, linked below.

Hand picked news: our selection of news on the Ebola outbreak - updated until 21 October 2014


Subjects (categories) on this page: 

Ebola & economy, economic security | Governance issues, controversies | Health and aid  - from the field in affected counties | Medical sciences about Ebola | Media - video, audio, photo | Opinion and analysis | Other

Ebola & economy, economic and food security



Governance issues, controversies



Health and aid  - from the field in affected countries



Medical science about Ebola



Media - video, audio, photo - a small selection




Opinion & Analysis


Mats Utas' blog




Other -  A very diverse list



Even more:

Governance issues, controversies


Health and aid  - from the field in affected countries


Medical science about Ebola


Media - video, audio, photo - a small selection



Opinion & Analysis


Mats Utas' blog


Washington Post



Other -  A very diverse list



Even more: